Our web shop is being updated. Orders placed between 3pm on 25/9 - 2/10/2024 could take up to 10 days to be delivered. Thanks for your patience.

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Meet the team

Our blu Support team

At blu we are dedicated to providing best in class customer experience. All feedback we receive from you is reviewed and analysed so that we can continually strive to make improvements.

So don't forget to leave a product review and / or complete the blu Support survey. We love hearing from you!


Stefan S.

*"We anticipate the needs of our customers, so that we can assist as fast as possible when we are contacted."*

Stefan S. - Customer Service Supervisor

Jean E.

Jean E.

*"I adjust the call to each customer, so that it feels welcoming and friendly."*

Jean E. - Customer Service Representative

Alexander M

Alexander M.

*"I will do everything in our power to help reach a proper resolution for our customer's request."*

Alexander M. - Customer Service Representative

Lois C.

Lois C.

*"I treat customers the same way that I would want to be treated when contacting a customer service line."*

Lois C. - Customer Service Representative

Distribution Hub van

Our Distribution Hub

The Nottingham Customer Service Team manage the fulfilment of the blu stock direct to our Retail Outlets, as well as supplying direct to our Carrier, to ensure blu online is delivered on time to you.


"Our goal is to ensure we have sufficient volumes shared across all locations to meet expected demand or even unexpected spikes."

Adrian - Dispatch & Planning Controller