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Vape devices & e-cigs


A brief history of blu: Our role in modern vaping

We’ve played a major part in vaping history. Read our product history here to learn all about our innovative role in the invention of tobacco substitutes.
Uk vaping map

How Many People In The UK Vape?

We’ve dug into the data across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales to find out how many people vape in the UK. Take a look.
Hon Lik

Hon Lik: the man who invented vaping

Without Hon Lik, the world of e-cigarettes would be a very different place indeed. Meet the man who invented the modern e-cigarette.

On the fence? Explore the ease of using blu 2.0

Looking for an easy to use vape device? Find out what makes the blu 2.0 perfect for vapers of all levels with this guide.
blu Devices UK

Vaping for beginners: what vape should I buy?

When you join the vape world, it can seem confusing at first. Let blu take the stress out of vaping.
Vape location

What is a vape mod or advanced personal vaporiser?

One of the most confusing things about vaping culture is the number of different options that are available.
What are open and closed vaping systems?

What are open and closed vaping systems?

The main difference between vape devices is whether they're 'open system' or 'closed system'.
Blu 2.0

What is a vape pen and what types are there?

With so many models and accessories to choose from, starting with vape pens can get confusing quick.
What is a clearomiser?

What are clearomisers?

It's the part of the PRO device that contains the refillable tank – find out more about clearomisers.
Caring for your e-cigarette battery

Caring for vape batteries: how to use your blu battery

Caring for vape batteries: how to clean your blu 2.0 battery
Vape location

Will vaping set off smoke and fire alarms or trigger sprinklers?

Wondering if vaping sets off fire alarms, and whether it’s possible to vape indoors without setting off the smoke detector? Here's what you need to know.
Maintaining your e-cigarette charger

Maintaining your charger

You’ll need your charger to top up your vape device when it runs out of charge. Find out about the different types of blu charger and how to know when to use them.
quality you can trust

blu – quality you can trust

At blu, our lab technicians conduct up to 90 individual tests a day on the liquid that goes into our pods. Find out more about how we ensure product quality.
About blu vape pens

All you need to know about blu vape pens and e-cigs

Find out more about us including who we are, what we make and why we started out.
vape pens together

What's the difference between e-cigs, vape pens and box mods?

What’s the difference between an e-cig and vape pen? What’s a box mod? We’ve debunked some popular phrases to give you the lowdown on different types of device.
blu bar vs blu 2.0 vs blu PRO

blu bar vs blu 2.0 vs blu PRO - which one is right for you?

If you’re new to the vaping scene or just looking to change product, here we summarise all you need to know, making your decision as easy as possible.
Vaping abroad

Vapes abroad

Don’t take any chances this summer – take a look at our guide to taking your e-cigs on holiday!
myblu PRO

Our vape kits: which one is right for you?

Regardless of your level of experience with vaping, knowing which device is right for you can be tricky.
blu PRO™

Different parts of a vape pen explained

Cartomiser, clearomiser, atomiser – what’s the difference? Discover the parts of a vape pen and find out what they do.
blu Devices UK

Which vape pen is right for me?

Choosing the right vape pen for you can be a difficult procs remove the guess work with our guide to blu’s vape pens.ess. Let u

What do people look for when choosing a vape device?

The choice of vape pens on the market has now reached such a level that it’s nearly impossible to pick one!
People chatting blu2.0

Blu 2.0 is here! Five reasons you should be excited

The new blu 2.0 vape device has landed. Here, we take a look at the ins and outs of this device, revealing five reasons to get excited.