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5th December 2023

How to survive Christmas party season

christmas party

December is a busy month. Office parties, Christmas dinners, New Year’s gatherings. It takes a lot to get through the festive season. So, with the social calendar beginning to fill up fast, we’ve put together the ultimate survival guide for the winter break. A handbook to nipping off early. The mistletoe-avoider’s almanac.


Distant relatives, never-ending board games and conversations about politics are enough to test anyone’s patience. Make sure you take a break every now and then to get yourself away from the mayhem – whether you are vaping or just getting some fresh air. As always, make sure it’s okay with the host if you want to vape indoors.


Vaping inside can be fine in some places and not allowed in others, so it depends on where you are. If you’re popping round a friend’s house for a Christmas party or a New Year’s bash, then you’ll probably be fine. Just check with them that it’s okay first. Pubs, clubs, bars and restaurants are usually out of bounds, but do ask the venue owner if you’re ever unsure.


Christmas is often seen as the season of overindulgence, and with the drink flowing and the mince pies circling, it takes a strong mind to resist the temptation that the festive season has to offer.

If you intend to eat your weight in mince pies this Christmas, take a pair of elasticated trousers with you – as well as your vape pen, obviously. There’s nothing better after three big courses than settling back, undoing your belt and breathing easy. Nobody wants to feel the squeeze after overindulging on Christmas Day.


There are loads of Christmas traditions out there, but some of them are weirder than others. Advent calendars we can get behind. But mandatory kissing underneath some shrubbery? Bit weird.

Get yourself a handy excuse, just in case someone jumps out at you with mistletoe in hand. Use your blu vape device as a convenient get-out by saying you were just popping outside. Unwanted human contact = successfully avoided.


Don’t be that person who’s unprepared when someone you don’t expected springs a Christmas card on you. Carry at least one blank Christmas card – and a pen, of course – to defuse any awkward situations.

Second cousins? Milkman? People you don’t like? Nothing a blank card and 20 seconds in a corner can’t fix. Probably best just to tuck one in your coat at the start of advent and leave it there till New Year. Go one better by wrapping up items from around the house – Christmas decorations, cans of soup, toiletries – and keeping them in the boot of your car as a makeshift present.

Ever been told “I got you one too – I left it in the boot of my car”? Now you know why. Of course, if you want to elevate your gift options for the vapers in your life, take a look at our blu Christmas gift guide, or explore our range of dispsable vapes, e-liquids and liquidpods.

Now you have all the tips you’ll need to survive almost everything that the hectic Christmas schedule can throw at you. We can’t stop you having to talk to relatives you don’t like, or sitting through re-runs of old films, but hopefully by following these tricks you’ll be able to shrug off any festive awkwardness that comes your way.

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