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How to & guides


Vaping Inside? Here’s How It Affects Your Surroundings

From how vaping affects your surroundings to does vaping stain walls, blu has the answers.
blu PRO™

How the blu PRO™ Kit works

From charging to refilling, our user guide to the blu PRO refillable vape pen will have you vaping like… well, like a pro.

How to use your blu 2.0

Learn everything you need to know about using the new blu 2.0 device. From charging to inhalation, your questions are answered.
blu 2.0

The complete guide to the new blu 2.0 device

Get to know the blu 2.0 with our guide. Learn about the new features, flavours and more you can expect with our new closed pod device.
person on sofa with laptop


Pondering the best vape shop? Then discover the benefits of shopping at an independent shop, online at a vape superstore, and directly from vape brands.
Vaping for beginners

5 vaping tips for beginners

From how to draw on the vape to which kit to use – there’s a lot to get your head round when you first vape.
what is flavour ghosting

What is flavour ghosting and how can I prevent it?

What can you do to prevent 'flavour ghosting', one of the biggest frustrations for vapers?
Couple with devices

How to store your vape pen and liquidpod

We've got some pointers on how to store your device, plus a few things to avoid.
how to refill vape liquid

How to refill your vape pen

There's no shortage of choice when it comes to flavour. Find out how to refill your device.
blu 2.0

What is an all-day vape?

One of the benefits of vaping is the choice it offers, with a wide selection of flavours and nicotine strengths.
blu 2.0

Vaping glossary

An A to Z of vaping jargon – from atomisers and batteries to VG and wick.

How do I inhale vapour the right way?

The first step to vaping is knowing how to inhale. It doesn't take long to master.
Blu e-liquids

A guide to vaping liquids

Having a bit of background knowledge about the liquids that go inside a vaping pen can give you a better understanding of why it’s become such a popular (and much healthier) alternative to smoking.
flavours e-liquids

Vape flavour guide

Whether you’re an experienced user or are discovering vaping for the first time, choosing an e-liquid flavour that works for you can be quite the challenge.
Cotton buds in a glass jar

How to Maintain Your Vape

Depending on the type of device you use, regular maintenance of your vape could be essential.
Image of world with circular flavours

Vaping Around the World: How Different Countries Prefer Different Flavours

American vapers like tobacco flavours but vaping in Japan is most likely nicotine free, discover the different vaping preferences around the world, here.
Green garden

Vaping Alfresco: Garden Decoration Ideas For The Perfect Vape Space

The summer months are perfect for enjoying the outdoors, and where better to relax and vape than your own garden?
Nerudia Lab Blu

How are E-Liquid (Vape juice) Made?

How e-liquids (commonly known as ‘vape juice’) are made, and the quality controls involved are not to be taken lightly. Read this article to understand the process of how e-liquids are made.
vape 101 new

Vaping 101: Your Questions Answered

30 May 2022 - Whether you’re a vaping newbie, having recently made the switch from smoking, or you have been vaping for a while, there’s sure to be some questions on the tip of your tongue.
blu 2.0 device

Let us know your vaping tips!

At blu we’re always looking to give you the inside scoop on how to get the best out of our products - from technical advice to handy hints.
Autumn October

Making a change? Here's our guide to blu vape devices

With so many people switching to vape devices, you might also be considering making a change.

Can you book a holiday for £100?

Forgotten to book a summer holiday and trying to cram something in last minute? We've got some sub-£100 holiday hacks.
blu hand device

The History of Vaping: From the Twenties to Today

When was the first vape ever made and when did vaping become popular? Visit the blu blog today to find out how the e-cig has evolved over the years.
ecig on table

How to turn on and use your vape pen

It's an exciting time and there are lots of different vape products on the market, so it's important to take some advice.

Vaping tips and tricks

When you first start vaping, you want to make sure you’ve got all the essentials. We've got the main tips and tricks covered.

How do e-cigarette batteries work?

Wondering how rechargeable vape batteries work? Discover how your battery powers your e-cig and how best to look after it.
Blu's Festivals

Blu’s Guide to Vaping at Festivals

Festival season is upon us. We’ve put together a few tips on how to clean and charge your e-cigarettes at a festival.
How to inhale vape

How to Inhale Vape Properly: Tips for Drawing Vapour

Understanding how vaping works and the technique that comes with it is paramount to enjoying the experience.
blu devices pods and liquids

blu wants to hear from you!

Have you recently bought a blu product and want to share your opinion of it? If so, we’d love to hear what you thought.
Blu vape shop on corner of street

Where to Buy Electronic Cigarettes

When it comes to where to buy e-cigarettes, there are multiple options available to you. Discover the ways to buy e-cigarettes online and on the high-street below.
Vegan neon sign

Is Vaping Vegan?

Find out whether vegans can vape. This is the blu guide for vaping vegans and anyone who vapes and is considering becoming vegan.
Vape-friendly dinner party

Vape-friendly Dinner Party Ideas

If you’re looking for dinner party ideas for adults, we’ve got the best concoctions to pair with your after-dinner vapes!
Bulldog puppy being held.

Should You Vape Around Your Pet?

Discover the potential risks of vaping around your pet, tips on vaping safely around animals, and what to do if your pet has chewed a vape or e-liquid.
Coffee and Vapes: Best Speciality Coffee and Vape Pairings

Coffee and Vapes: Best Speciality Coffee and Vape Pairings

Explore which vape flavours will complement your particular choice of speciality coffee.
two guys having a beer

E-Cigarettes and Beer: Guide to the Best Vaping and Craft Beer Pairings

If you like your blu and enjoy a beer, you can find the perfect match at this summer’s We are Beer festivals in London and Manchester.
blu 2.0 pods

Caring For Your Vape In Hot Weather + Tips For Vaping On The Beach

Precautions you can take to care for your vape in the heat, plus tips for vaping on the beach. Read them on blu's blog.

House plants & vaping

Vaping at home is a personal choice, but can it cause harm to indoor plants? Find out more about the influence vaping indoors has on house plants here.
bbq header

Vaping at a BBQ – What is the etiquette?

Nothing says summer quite like a barbeque. There’s something magical about gathering with friends and family, enjoying good food and conversation; it’s what makes warm weather days so special.
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Ultimate guide to vaping

New to vaping? Our ultimate guide covers off some of the most pressing questions you may have.
Miami international airport

The must have accessories every vaper needs

While there are some accessories available from blu to help you improve your vaping experience, there will still be some vapers looking for more ways to enhance the way they vape.
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