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Valentine’s Day: How to Vape on a Date

Valentine's day

If you vape, trying to navigate using your e-cigarette when you’re on a date – especially when it’s with someone you’ve never met before, or who doesn’t know you vape yet - can be tricky.

You may find yourself wondering whether kissing a vaper is something your date would consider, or is vaping a deal breaker for them. You certainly don’t want to be stealth vaping and hoping your date doesn’t notice, but similarly you don’t want to hide something that is a part of you.

Luckily, blu is here to save the day and make sure your date goes off without a hitch! Read our tips below.

Vaping on your Valentine’s Day date: Here’s how to handle it

Be open

If vaping is important enough to you that you’re weighing up the options on how to bring up the topic with your date, then it’s worth being upfront about it. Drop it into conversation early in the date and see how they respond.

This might seem a bit daunting, but you wouldn’t want to have a great date with someone just to find out that vaping is a deal-breaker for them. It is likely that they will be either ambivalent or enthusiastic, in which case you can relax and enjoy the rest of the date.

In fact, we ran a survey and found that 65% of people think it is acceptable to smoke or vape on a first date. You can read all the results in our blog ‘Should you vape on a first date?’

If your date is a vaper, a great way to break the ice could be comparing e-cigs and e-liquid flavours. Perhaps you both particularly enjoy our Intense Strawberry Mint liquidpod, or our Mint Chocolate e-liquid; perhaps you both favour an open device over a closed – you’ve already got something in common!

Be considerate

Even if your date happens to vape, it’s still a good idea to be considerate when you’re vaping. It may sound obvious, but everyone vapes differently and your date may not use their e-cig as much as you do.

Similarly, if your date isn’t a vaper, think carefully about how often and how long you choose to vape for – they may feel like you aren’t that into them if you keep popping outside to use your e-cig. You will probably want to make sure you aren’t producing huge clouds of vapour with your puffs, unless they’ve already said this is something they are into.

They have probably never even considered dating a vaper to be an issue, and if the date goes well, you may find out how they feel about kissing someone who vapes!

I love you valentines

If required, plan a vape-friendly date

Sitting through a two-and-a-half hour movie may work for some, but if you want to be able to vape during your date, you’ll want to plan so that you don’t need to excuse yourself to use your e-cig.

Similarly, if you’re planning a day out, always check the vaping regulations of your intended destination before you go. That way, you won’t be distracted by a sudden urge to vape, or – arguably worse - disrupted by someone telling you off!

Some vape-friendly date ideas include:

• Since vape pens are not currently covered by the legislation that bans people from smoking indoors, it is up to individual venues to decide whether vaping is allowed. This means that there are certain bars and pubs that you can vape in. Perhaps you already know some good ones, or perhaps you will need to do some research, but either way, with any luck you will have a vape-friendly pub or bar near you. Of course, you should probably check with your date beforehand that they would be comfortable in this environment.

• If you and your date favour an outdoor activity then you’re in luck, as it is much less likely that outdoor locations will have restrictions on vaping. Why not plan a hike at a place of natural beauty, a cycle ending somewhere with a great view and picnic spot, or a walk on the beach with fish and chips – bonus points if you time it to see the sunset.

• A drive-in event, such as a film or concert, is always a fun and memorable experience. These events also often have the benefit of allowing vaping (since you are in your own vehicle for the entirety), as long as this isn’t affecting other attendees. Check with the venue before you go to be sure, and again make sure your date would be happy with you vaping in this enclosed space.

Valentine' s day

Equipped with these tips, you should be all set to have the best Valentine’s Day yet. If you’re still feeling unsure, just remember our mantra:

Roses are red,

Violets are blu,

Be considerate while vaping,

And love will find you!



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